Copernicus Medal for Ulrich Pöschl

The Copernicus Gesellschaft e. V. honors Max Planck Director for his outstanding scientific research and international cooperation

April 14, 2015

Within the framework of this year’s Annual General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) in Vienna, Professor Ulrich Pöschl, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz, receives the Copernicus Medal. The award honors scientists who achieved outstanding research results in combination with the promotion of international collaboration in the geosciences.

Ulrich Pöschl receives the Copernicus Medal for his pioneering work on aerosol multiphase chemical processes and aerosol-health interactions as well as his contributions to open science through interactive Open Access publishing. With this award, the Copernicus Gesellschaft e. V. honors excellent research and the successful promotion of international collaboration in the geosciences.

Ulrich Pöschl achieved this, inter alia, as a result of the international journal “Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP)”, which he founded together with Paul Crutzen and other colleagues in 2001. ACP has established itself as the first scientific journal with interactive public peer review. ACP and its 14 sister journals published by the Copernicus Gesellschaft are among the most successful examples of Open Access publishing worldwide.

Since 2012, Ulrich Pöschl is head of the new Multiphase Chemistry Department at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz. Pöschl’s and his colleague’s current research interest is focused on chemical reactions, transport processes and conversions between solids, liquids and gases from molecular levels to effects on global material cycles, climate and health. Examples include the effects of aerosols on the formation of clouds and precipitation as well as the impact of air pollutants such as ozone, nitrogen oxides and soot on allergies and respiratory diseases.  

About the Copernicus Gesellschaft

Copernicus Gesellschaft e.V. is a non-profit society, registered in Göttingen, and was founded in 1988 at the former Max Planck Institute for Aeronomy (today Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research). The aim was to promote international collaboration in the geo and space sciences. 

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