In accordance with the principles of the Max Planck Society, the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry supports its employees in their diverse life models. We offer family-friendly working conditions for women and men. We welcome applications from women, particularly in those areas in which they are underrepresented, and we support women in their career development. We support severely disabled employees according to their individual needs. In accordance with the principles of the Max Planck Society, it is the task of the elected Equal Opportunities Officers to help ensure that equal treatment of women and men is implemented and monitored and that gender discrimination at the Institute is eliminated and prevented. They are involved in all measures concerning employees, the organization and social life of the Institute, the compatibility of family and career, and protection against sexual harassment in the workplace. The MPI-C also offers confidential counseling.
The Max Planck Institute for Chemistry's gender equality plan has been awarded ‘Silver’.
The Max Planck Institute for Chemistry's gender equality plan has been awarded ‘Silver’.
Awarded Silver for MPIC Gender Equality Plan The Max Planck Institute for Chemistry's gender equality plan has been awarded ‘Silver’. The evaluation is conducted every three years by the Max Planck Commission on Quality Management of Gender Equality Plans. It examines and evaluates how well the gender equality plan of the respective Max Planck Institute meets the standards of completeness, institute-specific requirements and sustainability. The aim of the monitoring process is to support the institutes in developing and implementing their individual gender equality strategies.
The Max Planck Institute for Chemistry presented a convincing gender equality strategy that included, among other things, a comprehensive inventory, a coherent analysis and the evidence-based identification of fields of action and goals, according to the commission's letter of congratulations. The jury identified some potential for improvement in the description of the measures and their evaluation. They also pointed out that the goals already achieved, such as the increase in the proportion of women in group leadership positions, promise further success in gender equality.
In the evaluation of the gender equality plans, 35% of the MPIs were able to improve by one level, and 8% even advanced by two levels, from bronze to gold.
In the evaluation of the gender equality plans, 35% of the MPIs were able to improve by one level, and 8% even advanced by two levels, from bronze to gold.
We pursue a family-conscious human resources policy because we want to be an attractive employer for highly qualified employees in an international environment - and even with a seal of quality. As a scientific organization, the Max Planck Society and all its institutes are entitled to use the certificate of the non-profit GmbH berufundfamilie.
Flexible working hours
We also attach great importance to flexible working hours and part-time models with a view to achieving a better work-life balance. Important lectures or meetings at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry should not be scheduled after 4 pm.
Child care
Together with the MPI for Polymer Research, we have 25 childcare places for children aged 0-6 in the JGU Mainz student union daycare centers. The contact person for applications for kindergarten places is Madlin Hedderich.
pme Family Service
The Max Planck Society cooperates with the family service company pme ( The services offered by pme range from finding individual care solutions for children and relatives in need of care to crisis counseling and online vacation games. Another important innovation is the expansion of the pme family service to include school-age children. The actual care measures are to be paid by the parents; the Max Planck Society covers the costs for advice and placement.
The Max Planck Society has established a mentoring program for its young female scientists - from graduate students to highly qualified female scientists - which offers support options for every level of qualification: Minerva-FemmeNet. (
The Max Planck Society encourages the maxim of a non-discriminatory culture, in which the variety and diversity of employees are seen as an opportunity and in which all are met with equal respect and shown the same esteem. Neither ethnic origin, descent nor other categories of origin nor sex, gender nor sexual orientation, religion nor world-view, disability nor age may lead to personal or professional disadvantages and influence the opportunities of an individual to access to the organization or to promotion and qualification within the organization. As a successful research organization and employer of many thousands of employees, the protection of its employees against all forms of discrimination is a concern of great importance to the Max Planck Society. It is therefore committed to providing prevention, information and assistance and consistently opposes any form of behaviour that violates the dignity of its employees.