Our students

Present students

About 80 doctoral students participate in the program of the PCGS. They come along with a background in Chemistry, Physics, Geosciences and Biology. In the moment about two thirds of our PhD students come from Germany but also people from all over the world join the MPGSS. They originate from China, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, Korea, Macedonia, Mexico, the Netherlands, Pakistan, Poland, Russia and Spain. Therefore the language not only of the institute but also within the MPGS is English. The group consists of about half male and half female members.

Once a year the PCGS students elect PhD representatives who fulfil the important role of being a contact person for PhD students as well as representing the PCGS PhD students within the Institute.

Our current PhD representatives are Nadine Bothen, Jana Englert, Samuel Ruhl (spokesperson) and Marissa Vink.

For more details please have a look at their personal pages at the MPIC homepage.


Many students have finished their PhD since 2004. We wish our alumni all the best for their future and hope you will stay in touch with us!

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