Profile Hang Su

Research focus: atmosphere-biosphere interactions, atmospheric chemistry, cloud parcel modelling, bioaerosols, machine learning.
Hang Su is an atmospheric scientist. His research focuses on interactions of atmosphere and biosphere in the anthropocene. He and his team are interested in understanding and deciphering the key mechanisms underlying the Earth system.
Academic and professional career
2012 - present: Group leader at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz
2008 - 2012: Postdoctoral researcher, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz
2003 - 2008 : Ph.D., Peking University, Beijing, China
1999 - 2003: B. Sc., Fudan University, Shanghai, China
Functions in scientific societies and committees
Since 2022 editor of AGU Advances
Since 2021 Spokesman of the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Multiphase Chemistry Department
Since 2021 Member of the editorial advisory board of the journal ACS Environmental Au
Since 2021 Member of the editorial board of the journal Advances in Atmospheric Sciences (AAS)
Since 2020 Distinguished visiting professor, Academy of Environmental Sciences, Shanghai
Since 2020 Member of the editorial board of the Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmosphere (JGR)
Since 2020 Member of the editorial board of the Journal Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (AMT)
2017-2019 Member of the board of the Sino-German Anthropocene Research Center, Jinan University
2017-2020 Co-coordinator of the Max Planck Society Großgeräteantrag
2013- 2018 Co-coordinator of the EU FP7 funded network of excellence "BACCHUS"
Since 2012 Member of the editorial board of the Journal Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP)
Project coordination, membership in joint projects
2017-2019 MOEC University of Excellence - Anthropocene Research Center, Jinan University
2017-2020 Max Planck Society Großgeräteantrag
2017-2019 NSFC project "Surface/interface reaction of aerosol particles"
2014-2018 NSFC project "Quantitative study on the source and transformation of key carbon-containing components in the atmosphere"
2013- 2018 EU FP7 funded network of excellence "BACCHUS"
2011- 2014 EU FP7 funded network of excellence "PEGASUS"
Awards and awarded memberships
2022 Fellow of AAAS
2022 Highly Cited Researcher in the field of Geoscience, Clarivate
2021 Highly Cited Researcher in the field of Geoscience, Clarivate
2014 Top 10 publications of iLEAPS program (Integrated Land Ecosystem-Atmosphere Processes Study)
2013 Arne Richter Union Award for Outstanding Young Scientists, European Geosciences Union
2009 Oustanding Young Scientist Poster Award, European Geosciences Union
2001 Outstanding student of Shanghai (top 0.1%), China
1999 – 2003 Numerous outstanding student Award (top 1%), Fudan University, China
Grant panelist/reviewer: NSFC, NSF, ANR, SNSF, etc.
Google scholar
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