Investigation of cloud residuals and interstitial aerosol on a mountain top in central Sweden. In collaboration with partners from Sweden and USA; June/July 2003.
Characterization of the ambient aerosol and its precursors in New York City as part of the US EPA “Supersite” project. Cooperation with partners from USA; January/February 2004.
FACE 2004/2005
Instrument intercomparison; and characterization of the ambient aerosol, and its cloud condensation properties, on Mt. Kleiner Feldberg. Cooperation with other departments at MPI for Chemistry and University of Frankfurt; Summer 2004 and 2005.
HNY 2005
Investigation of the fireworks aerosol during New Year’s 2004/2005 in Mainz. Collaboration with the Air Chemistry Department of MPI for Chemistry; December 2004 – January 2005.
Characterization of fine and ultrafine particle emissions from steelworks processes. EU project in collaboration with partners from UK, Germany and France; July 2004 – December 2007.
Measurements at the aerosol chamber of the Paul-Scherrer-Institute (Villigen, Switzerland) investigating artificial secondary organic aerosol. Collaboration with partners from Switzerland, UK, and USA; October/November 2005.
Investigation of cloud residuals and interstitial aerosol in ice clouds on the high-alpine research station Jungfraujoch, Switzerland. Collaboration with several working groups at MPI for Chemistry and partners from Leipzig/Germany and Switzerland; February/March 2006.
Characterization of the fine and ultrafine aerosol in the marine boundary layer of the southern Atlantic and Indian Ocean using on-line aerosol mass spectrometry. Collaboration with partners from France, UK, Italy, and Germany; January – March 2007.
In-situ measurements of the aerosol in the exhaust of municipal and hazardous waste incinerators before and after the exhaust cleaning devices. joint research project with a partner from France; July – October 2007.
Characterization of the aerosol at the marine/continental/urban interface and investigation of the atmospheric chemistry in the southern European winter. Cooperation with other departments at MPI for Chemistry and partners from Spain; November – December 2008.
Investigation of composition and temporal and spatial variability of the aerosol in and emitted from a megacity (Paris). Measurements in the emission plume for investigation of aging processes and its impact on the environment. In cooperation with partners from France, Switzerland, Russia, and Greece; July 2009 – February 2010.
Characterization of fugitive emissions from steelworks and its impact on the environment. EU project in collaboration with partners from UK, Spain, and Portugal; July 2009 – December 2012.
APES Chemical characterization of particulate emissions from exotic anthropogenic aerosol sources using on-line and off-line analysis techniques. April 2012 – February 2015.
Characterization of aerosols from biomass burning and investigation of the influence of biomass burning on local air quality in the Black Forest and the Alsace. EU-project in collaboration with partners from Germany, France, and Switzerland; January 2013 – May 2015.
Investigation of the urban aerosol in Frascati (province Rome, Italy) with special focus on advected Saharan dust. Cooperation with partners from Italy; October 2013 – June 2014.
Investigation of emissions from iron ore mines and related processes in Northern Sweden; influence of the mining-related emissions on local air quality. Cooperation with partners from Sweden; January 2015 – December 2017.
Investigation of the influence of climate change on the air quality in the Arabian Basin; ship-borne field campaign for measurement of aerosols and trace gases in the Mediterranean Sea and around the Arabian Peninsula; special focus on the investigation of ship emission plumes. Cooperation with partners from MPI-C; since September 2016.
Characterization of the urban aerosol and of its sources in Fez, a major city in Morocco. Comparison of the urban air composition with those, measured in the Atlas Mountains, at a distance of about 70 km. Cooperation with partners from Morocco and France; Since January 2019.
Characterization of cooking emissions, using systematic laboratory and field studies with the Mobile Laboratory. Since January 2018.
Development and characterization of a Single Particle Laser Ablation Time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer. January 2003 – December 2014.
Characterization and further development of the Aerodyne Time-of-Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer. Since January 2004.
Design and construction of a mobile aerosol research laboratory for flexible and mobile measurements of aerosol concentrations and compositions. Since October 2006.
Chamber Characterization of the PAM flow reaction chamber for simulation of atmospheric aging of aerosols and aerosol precursors; implementation of the chamber in MoLa for measurements at sources. Since March 2018.
Characterization of a chemical ionization mass spectrometer; development of methods for the combined application with the ToF-AMS and for analysis of filter samples. Since March 2019.