Aerosol Surface Emissions and Transport
Dr. Friederike Fachinger, Project Team Leader
![Investigating the transport of surface emissions up to the tropopause region [schematic: Dom Jack, MPIC]](/5572766/original-1722524912.jpg?t=eyJ3aWR0aCI6MjQ2LCJvYmpfaWQiOjU1NzI3NjZ9--c8d8bf7d02d5079a6a0421f1ed843e8850bb297d)
In a subproject within the DFG funded collaborative research center TPChange – The Tropopause Region in a Changing Atmosphere – ( we investigate the coupling of ground-based emissions to pollutant concentrations in the Upper Troposphere / Lower Stratosphere. During two measurement campaigns (in the Swabian Alps and downwind Frankfurt) we investigate the concentration of different pollutants with the Mobile Laboratory MoLa, while a drone, specifically developed for this purpose, measures vertical profiles of different variables on a regular basis within the lowermost 500 m of the troposphere. Thus, we analyze the distribution and transport of pollutants within the planetary boundary layer, while by means of measurement balloons, launched up to three times a day, the transport up to the stratosphere is investigated. This is a joint project of MPI-C, University of Mainz and Technical University Darmstadt.
Friederike Fachinger (Team Leader)
Lasse Moormann