Publikationen von Sylvain Pichat

Zeitschriftenartikel (5)

Hopcroft, P. O., Pichat, S., Valdes, P. J. und Kienast, S. S.: Sensitivity of the Tropical Dust Cycle to Glacial Abrupt Climate Changes, Geophysical Research Letters, 50(19), doi:10.1029/2022GL101197, 2023.
Missiaen, L., Menviel, L. C., Meissner, K. J., Roche, D. M., Dutay, J.-C., Bouttes, N., Lhardy, F., Quiquet, A., Pichat, S. und Waelbroeck, C.: Modelling the impact of biogenic particle flux intensity and composition on sedimentary Pa/Th, Quaternary Science Reviews, 240, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2020.106394, 2020.
Missiaen, L., Bouttes, N., Roche, D. M., Dutay, J.-C., Quiquet, A., Waelbroeck, C., Pichat, S. und Peterschmitt, J.-Y.: Carbon isotopes and Pa/Th response to forced circulation changes: a model perspective, Climate of the past, 16(3), 867–883, doi:10.5194/cp-16-867-2020, 2020.
Costa, K. M., Hayes, C. T., Anderson, R. F., Pavia, F. J., Bausch, A., Deng, F., Dutay, J.-C., Geibert, W., Heinze, C., Henderson, G., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Hoffmann, S., Jaccard, S. L., Jacobel, A. W., Kienast, S. S., Kipp, L., Lerner, P., Lippold, J., Lund, D., Marcantonio, F., McGee, D., McManus, J. F., Mekik, F., Middleton, J. L., Missiaen, L., Not, C., Pichat, S., Robinson, L. F., Rowland, G. H., Roy-Barman, M., Tagliabue, A., Torfstein, A., Winckler, G. und Zhou, Y.: 230Th Normalization: New Insights on an Essential Tool for Quantifying Sedimentary Fluxes in the Modern and Quaternary Ocean, Paleoceanography and paleoclimatology, 35(2), doi:10.1029/2019PA003820, 2020.
Pichat, S., Douchet, C. und Albarède, F.: Zinc isotope variations in deep-sea carbonates from the eastern equatorial Pacific over the last 175 ka, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 210(1-2), 167–178 [online] Available from:, 2003.
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