Publikationen von John N. Crowley

Preprint (11)

Dienhart, D., Brendel, B., Crowley, J. N., Eger, P. G., Harder, H., Martinez, M., Pozzer, A., Rohloff, R., Schuladen, J., Tauer, S., Lelieveld, J. und Fischer, H.: Formaldehyde and hydroperoxide distribution around the Arabian Peninsula – evaluation of EMAC model results with ship-based measurements, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 22, doi:10.5194/acp-2022-580, 2022.
Dewald, P., Nussbaumer, C. M., Schuladen, J., Ringsdorf, A., Edtbauer, A., Fischer, H., Williams, J., Lelieveld, J. und Crowley, J. N.: Fate of the nitrate radical at the summit of a semi-rural mountain site in Germany assessed with direct reactivity measurements, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 22, doi:10.5194/acp-2022-163, 2022.
Sun, W., Berasategui, M., Pozzer, A., Lelieveld, J. und Crowley, J.: Kinetics of OH + SO2 + M: Temperature-dependent rate coefficients in the fall-off regime and the influence of water vapour, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 22, doi:10.5194/acp-2021-1074, 2022.
Wietzoreck, M., Kyprianou, M., Bandowe, B. A. M., Celik, S., Crowley, J. N., Drewnick, F., Eger, P., Friedrich, N., Iakovides, M., Kukučka, P., Kuta, J., Nežiková, B., Pokorná, P., Přibylová, P., Prokeš, R., Rohloff, R., Tadic, I., Tauer, S., Wilson, J., Harder, H., Lelieveld, J., Pöschl, U., Stephanou, E. G. und Lammel, G.: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their alkylated-, nitro- and oxy-derivatives in the atmosphere over the Mediterranean and Middle East seas, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 22, doi:10.5194/acp-2022-32, 2022.
Reifenberg, S. F., Martin, A., Kohl, M., Hamryszczak, Z., Tadic, I., Röder, L., Crowley, D. J., Fischer, H., Kaiser, K., Schneider, J., Dörich, R., Crowley, J. N., Tomsche, L., Marsing, A., Voigt, C., Zahn, A., Pöhlker, C., Holanda, B., Krüger, O. O., Pöschl, U., Pöhlker, M., Jöckel, P., Dorf, M., Schumann, U., Williams, J., Curtius, J., Harder, H., Schlager, H., Lelieveld, J. und Pozzer, A.: Impact of reduced emissions on direct and indirect aerosol radiative forcing during COVID–19 lockdown in Europe, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 21, doi:10.5194/acp-2021-1005, 2021.
Dienhart, D., Crowley, J. N., Bourtsoukidis, E., Edtbauer, A., Eger, P. G., Ernle, L., Harder, H., Hottmann, B., Martinez, M., Parchatka, U., Paris, J.-D., Pfannerstill, E. Y., Rohloff, R., Schuladen, J., Stönner, C., Tadic, I., Tauer, S., Wang, N., Williams, J., Lelieveld, J. und Fischer, H.: Measurement report: Observation-based formaldehyde production rates and their relation to OH reactivity around the Arabian Peninsula, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 21, doi:10.5194/acp-2021-304, 2021.
Dörich, R., Eger, P., Lelieveld, J. und Crowley, J. N.: Iodide-CIMS and m/z 62: The detection of HNO3 as NO3 in the presence of PAN, peracetic acid and O3, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions, 14, doi:10.5194/amt-2021-57, 2021.
Friedrich, N., Eger, P., Shenolikar, J., Sobanski, N., Schuladen, J., Dienhart, D., Hottmann, B., Tadic, I., Fischer, H., Martinez, M., Rohloff, R., Tauer, S., Harder, H., Pfannerstill, E. Y., Wang, N., Williams, J., Brooks, J., Drewnick, F., Su, H., Li, G., Cheng, Y., Lelieveld, J. und Crowley, J. N.: Reactive nitrogen around the Arabian Peninsula and in the Mediterranean Sea during the 2017 AQABA ship campaign, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 21, doi:10.5194/acp-2021-42, 2021.
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