Open Access
The Max Planck Society and the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry are among the leading proponents of open access to scientific publications and scholarly knowledge. Since the year 2003, the Max Planck Society is hosting and supporting a series of international meetings, the “Berlin Open Access Conferences”, which are dedicated to the promotion of open access and yielded some of the key statements and developments in the global move to open access.
The “Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities” ( has been signed by over 750 scholarly organizations from around the world and continues to receive further support.
The “Mission Statement at the Berlin 11 Open Access Conference” (2013) outlined clear perspectives and urged research organisations to develop a viable, coordinated and transparent strategy for an open access environment that returns control of scholarly publishing to the scholars (
The „Berlin 12 Open Access Conference“ (2015) led to the international initiative „Open Access 2020“ (OA2020), which builds on the „OA2020 Expression of Interest“ (EoI) in the „Large-scale Implementation of Open Access to Scholarly Journals“ and aims to transform existing scholarly journals from subscription to open access publishing in a smooth, swift and scholarly oriented way.
Since its release in 2016, the OA2020 EoI has already been signed by over 150 scholarly organizations - including the Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany, the European University Association representing more than 800 universities in 47 countries and other major organizations in Europe, Asia, and the Americas - and continues to receive swiftly growing global support.
MPIC scientists have been actively involved in this development from the beginning, and U. Pöschl has co-chaired the latest Berlin Open Access Conferences, triggered the OA2020 initiative, led the drafting of the OA2020 EoI, and continues to serve as co-chair for these and other open access initiatives of the Max Planck Society.
Already before the Berlin Declaration on Open Access, the MPIC and its researchers were pioneers in the foundation and successful development of innovative forms of open access publishing. Since the year 2001, scientists from the MPIC have led the way in the conception, development, and appliction of interactive open access publishing with public peer review, which is now also spreading across other fields in the sciences and humanities.
In fact, some of the very first and most successful open access journals have been founded and grown to top visibility and scientific reputation under the aegis of researchers at the MPIC: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP) by U. Pöschl et al. since 2001; Biogeosciences (BG) by J. Kesselmeier et al. since 2004; Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (AMT) by T. Wagner et al. since 2008; and Geoscientific Model Development (GMD) by R. Sander et al. since 2008.
Beyond the successful engagement of individual scientists in the founding, editing, and promoting of open access journals and initiatives, the MPIC continues to increase the open access share of its publications at much rates than the Max Planck Society and the global scientific community. Swiftly approaching an open access share of 50%, the Institute indeed continues to a pacemaker for open science for the benefit of scientific and societal progress.
Selected Presentations
- B16 Conference Report, Berlin 16th Open Access Conference, 6 June 2023
- Welcome & Opening, Berlin 16 Open Access Conference, 6 June 2023
- Scholarly & Policy Perspectives of Open Access: Innovation & Transformation: Perspektive offene Wissenschaft, Rhein-Main-Universitäten, 30 November 2022
- Interactive Open Access Publishing & Multi-Stage Open Peer Review: Critical Rationalism at Work in Scientific Publishing & Quality Assurance: Second International Conference on the work of Karl Popper, 25 September 2021
- Scholarly and Policy Perspectives of Open Access: FWF Open Access Policy, 26 November 2020
- A Scientist's Perspective on Open Access & OA2020: GSSI Open Access Workshop, 14 July 2020
- A Scientist’s Perspective on Open Access & OA2020: OA2020 Meeting, Berlin, October 2019
- Scholarly & Policy Perspectives of Open Access: Couperin, Strasbourg, 21 June 2019
- 14th Berlin Open Access Conference, Berlin, 3 December 2018
- Laudatio zur Verleihung der Karl-Preusker-Medaille an die Allianz der Wissenschaftsorganisationen, Humboldt Universität, Ulrich Pöschl, 14 November 2018
- 13th Berlin Open Access Conference, Welcome and Opening by Ulrich Pöschl, 22 March 2017 - Multi-stage open peer review integrating the strengths of traditional peer review: OpenAIRE workshop “Open Peer Review: Models, Benefits and Limitations”, 7 June 2016
- Copernicus Medal 2015 Ceremony, EGU Vienna, 16 April 2015
Selected Publications
- “It’s hard to explain why this is taking so long”, FWF Interview, 10 December 2020 (German version: here)
- Multi-stage open peer review:scientific evaluation integrating the strengths of traditional peer review with the virtues of transparency and self-regulation, Frontiers of Computational Neuroscience, 6, 33, doi:10.3389/fncom.2012.00033, 2012
- A Short History of Interactive Open Access Publishing, Copernicus Publications, 2011
- Is Interactive Open Access Publishing Able to Identify High-Impact Submissions?, Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, 62, 61–71, 2011
- Interactive open access publishing and public peer review: The effectiveness of transparency and self-regulation in scientific quality assurance, IFLA Journal, 36, 40–46, 2010
Related links and information