Publikationen von Achim Edtbauer

Forschungspapier (2)

Pfannerstill, E. Y., Reijrink, N. G., Edtbauer, A., Ringsdorf, A., Zannoni, N., Araújo, A., Ditas, F., Holanda, B. A., Sá, M. O., Tsokankunku, A., Walter, D., Wolff, S., Lavrič, J. V., Pöhlker, C., Sörgel, M. und Williams, J.: Total OH reactivity over the Amazon rainforest: variability with temperature, wind, rain, altitude, time of day, season, and an overall budget closure, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 20, doi:10.5194/acp-2020-752, 2020.
Fuchs, H., Novelli, A., Rolletter, M., Hofzumahaus, A., Pfannerstill, E. Y., Keßel, S., Edtbauer, A., Williams, J., Michoud, V., Dusanter, S., Locoge, N., Zannoni, N., Gros, V., Truong, F., Sarda-Esteve, R., Cryer, D. R., Brumby, C. A., Whalley, L. K., Stone, D., Seakins, P. W., Heard, E., Schoemaecker, C., Blocquet, M., Coudert, S., Batut, S., Fittschen, C., Thames, A. B., Brune, W. H., Ernest, C. T., Harder, H., Muller, J. B. A., Elste, T., Kubistin, D., Andres, S., Bohn, B., Hohaus, T., Holland, F., Li, X., Rohrer, F., Kiendler-Scharr, A., Tillmann, R., Wegener, R., Yu, Z., Zou, Q. und Wahner, A.: Comparison of OH reactivity measurements in the atmospheric simulation chamber SAPHIR, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions, 9, doi:10.5194/amt-2017-231, 2017.

Preprint (7)

Ringsdorf, A., Edtbauer, A., Holanda, B., Pöhlker, C., Sá, M. O., Araújo, A., Kesselmeier, J., Lelieveld, J. und Williams, J.: Investigating Carbonyl Compounds above the Amazon Rainforest using PTR-ToF-MS with NO+ Chemical Ionization, EGUsphere, doi:10.5194/egusphere-2024-1210, 2024.
Machado, L. A. T., Kesselmeier, J., Botia, S., Asperen, H. V., de Araújo, A. C., Artaxo, P., Edtbauer, A., Ferreira, R., Harder, H., Jones, S., Dias-Júnior, C. Q., Haytzmann, G. G., Quesada, C. A., Komiya, S., Lavric, J., Lelieveld, J., Levin, I., Nölscher, A., Pfannerstill, E., Pöhlker, M., Pöschl, U., Ringsdorf, A., Rizzo, L., Yáñez-Serrano, A. M., Trumbore, S., Valenti, W. I. D., de Arellano, J. V.-G., Walter, D., Williams, J., Wolff, S. und Pöhlker, C.: How Rainfall Events Modify Trace Gas Concentrations in Central Amazonia, EGUsphere, doi:10.5194/egusphere-2023-2901, 2024.
Carter, T. S., Heald, C. L., Kroll, J. H., Apel, E. C., Blake, D., Coggon, M., Edtbauer, A., Gkatzelis, G., Hornbrook, R. S., Peischl, J., Pfannerstill, E. Y., Piel, F., Reijrink, N. G., Ringsdorf, A., Warneke, C., Williams, J., Wisthaler , A. und Xu, L.: An Improved Representation of Fire Non-Methane Organic Gases (NMOGs) in Models: Emissions to Reactivity, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 22, doi:10.5194/acp-2022-438, 2022.
Ringsdorf, A., Edtbauer, A., Vilà-Guerau de Arellano, J., Pfannerstill, E., Gromov, S., Kumar, V., Pozzer, A., Wolff, S., Tsokankunku, A., Sörgel, M., Sá, M., de Araujo , A., Ditas, F., Pöhlker, C., Lelieveld, J. und Williams, J.: Inferring the diurnal variability of OH radical concentrations over the Amazon from BVOC measurements, Research Square, doi:10.21203/, 2022.
Dewald, P., Nussbaumer, C. M., Schuladen, J., Ringsdorf, A., Edtbauer, A., Fischer, H., Williams, J., Lelieveld, J. und Crowley, J. N.: Fate of the nitrate radical at the summit of a semi-rural mountain site in Germany assessed with direct reactivity measurements, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 22, doi:10.5194/acp-2022-163, 2022.
Dienhart, D., Crowley, J. N., Bourtsoukidis, E., Edtbauer, A., Eger, P. G., Ernle, L., Harder, H., Hottmann, B., Martinez, M., Parchatka, U., Paris, J.-D., Pfannerstill, E. Y., Rohloff, R., Schuladen, J., Stönner, C., Tadic, I., Tauer, S., Wang, N., Williams, J., Lelieveld, J. und Fischer, H.: Measurement report: Observation-based formaldehyde production rates and their relation to OH reactivity around the Arabian Peninsula, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 21, doi:10.5194/acp-2021-304, 2021.
Nussbaumer, C., Tadic, I., Dienhart, D., Wang, N., Edtbauer, A., Ernle, L., Williams, J., Obersteiner, F., Gutiérrez-Álvarez, I., Harder, H., Lelieveld, J. und Fischer, H.: Measurement report: In situ observations of deep convection without lightning during the tropical cyclone Florence 2018, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 21, doi:10.5194/acp-2021-79, 2021.
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