The vessel Eugen Seibold
New blue water-sail yacht for ocean- and climate research S/Y Eugen Seibold
For contamination-free sampling and analyses of seawater, plankton, and air samples
Goal of research
• a better understanding of exchange processes between atmosphere and ocean
• study of the upper 1000 m of the ocean and its effect on climate, including the
euphotic zone and surface mixed layer, where most physical, chemical, and biological
turnover takes place
• calibration of paleoceanographic proxies in the water column
• 50 % of the interior are laboratories, including wet lab, dry lab, and atmosphere lab
Area of operations
Atlantic Ocean and marginal seas and eastern Pacific
Professor Eugen Seibold (*May 11, 1918 – †October 23, 2013), German marine geologist
and founding father of modern marine geosciences in Germany
Founding agreement 2015, start of construction 2017, christening Mai 11, 2018, completion
and sea trials in summer and fall 2018, first research cruise in winter 2018
Research schedule
• 2019, North Atlantic
• 2019/2020/2021 Atlantic Ocean transects, also into the Caribbean and possibly the
eastern Pacific
Operated by the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry
Reederei F. Laeisz
Funded by the Werner Siemens Foundation, Zug, Schweiz; 3.5 million Euros
Designed by Lorenzo Argento Yacht Design, Italy
Built by Michael Schmidt Yachtbau, Greifswald, Germany
Interior design by Axthelm and Rolvien Architects
Scientific equipment
• Continuous seawater probing and sampling from the keel inlet at 3.5m depth for
physical (e.g. temperature), chemical (e.g. oxygen) and biological (e.g. chlorophyll)
measurements. Seawater is pumped at the base of the keel through a teflon tube to
minimize contamination and to analyze (see methods).
Technical data
• Model Explorer 72
• Length of water line 22 m (72 feet), length overall 24 m (80 feet), beam 6 m, draught
3.50 m
• 8 berths, i.e. max. 4 to 6 scientists, plus 2 to 4 crew
• Autonomy up to 3 weeks, 4000 L diesel, 1000 L potable water, plus desalination
• 50 % of the interior are laboratories including wet lab, dry lab, and atmosphere lab
• Gross weight 48 tons
• 210-PS six-cylinder diesel
• 288-volt aggregate of 67 PS
MMSI: 255913282
Call Sign: CRA7241
Flag: Portugal (PT)